The Bold Choice!
Create It

Create It, isn't just a brand business name, it's a lifestyle. Create It, means so much to me because I went through to much of my life waiting on moments to happen, that I learned, the only way to have true peace and happiness in your life, is to create the moments that you truly desire. Now don't get me wrong. Sure, some things happen naturally and sometimes you just happen to be in the right place at the right time, but what's wrong with creating those moments that don't happen or haven't happened, yet? A few months ago, I...
Keep Going- Regardless

I took my children skating today just as a simple way to get out the house. And while there, I unexpectedly became encourage. While at the skating ring, I watched children of all different ages, including adults, go around and around the ring, each time expecting a different outcome. For some, they are hoping that each time around will be easier, that each time around will be faster, that this around I won't stumble, and some are just hoping and praying that this time around, "I dont fall" and if I do fall, move my fingers out the way quickly,...