I took my children skating today just as a simple way to get out the house. And while there, I unexpectedly became encourage. While at the skating ring, I watched children of all different ages, including adults, go around and around the ring, each time expecting a different outcome. For some, they are hoping that each time around will be easier, that each time around will be faster, that this around I won't stumble, and some are just hoping and praying that this time around, "I dont fall" and if I do fall, move my fingers out the way quickly, but they keep going at it. You began to notice that each time around, it undeniably gets easier. There are those who give up, there are some who decide to try at a later date, then there are some who say, "I can't and I won't stop until I get it".
Sitting there at the skating ring, I thought about life.... while some of us are aiming to retire with the job we have, some of us are resigning or have resigned from jobs where we have served for years, to start our own business and aiming to just get it right. We go through the emotions of a fearless child whose learning how to skate. We start out scared and nervous to fall, we stumble plenty of times on the way, we sometimes wonder what others say, but we keep going. We invest time, energy, and money to build our dreams. We know we can't give up because giving up means starting over, and we don't want to start over because we want to figure this thing out.
So we keep researching, we read development books, we listen to motivational sessions, we build networking relationships, we trust God even more and at some point we develop a higher sense of identity of who we are and we keep going. Just like that child on the skating ring floor, each time around we build confidence and we trust in ourselves even more. We learn from what we did wrong, and we take notes on the things we did right, we move our fingers before some one runs over them, we laugh when we fall, and we don't give up. That's the life of an entrepreneur, we don't give up. We refocus, we put those skates on one at a time, we tie those strings tighter and we go around and around, evaluating daily, what needs to be done, and we don't give up until we nailed it. Then just as a skillful skater, we realize we got it, and we learn different tips and trades, and then we reach down, and pick up the next person whose falling, or who doesn't have it quite yet, and we help them.
I encourage you on your journey, to keep going, practicing makes perfect and makes it worthwhile. And if you fall, just remember the fearless child, who couldn't give up, who wouldn't give up, because they knew deep down, "I can do this" and "I will".