Create It

Create It, isn't just a brand business name, it's a lifestyle. Create It, means so much to me because I went through to much of my life waiting on moments to happen, that I learned, the only way to have true peace and happiness in your life, is to create the moments that you truly desire. 

Now don't get me wrong. Sure, some things happen naturally and sometimes you just happen to be in the right place at the right time, but what's wrong with creating those moments that don't happen or haven't happened, yet?

A few months ago, I was searching for peace and in the midst of everything that was going wrong, I came across everything that I needed to make my journey go right. I heard a YT clip that slapped me right in my face and it hurt so bad, that tears started falling. Tears fell, because for so long, I thought I was mad at God, I thought I wasn't worthy of his blessings. I thought he couldn't hear my heart cry. My business was struggling. I went through a period where I made what ever would bring in income whether I had a passion for it or not. I even tried a work from home job with Victoria Secret, and it still left me feeling without. Let's not even mention social media. Many times, I had to separate from social media to protect my peace. But even then that wasn't enough.

After that YT video, I came to learn that I wasn't mad at God. I was mad at myself. I learned that, although I knew God, I hadn't taken the time to really know God. I'm learning how to re-establish my relationship with God. How to build a relationship with God. How to trust God and for once on my life, how to hear God.  I'm learning that you can say all the quick 3 minute prayers to God that you want, BUT, you have to take time listen and hear him back, or else, its just a one way conversation. It's a journey and not one that can happen overnight. But I am aiming to make a conscious effort to start building that intimate relationship with God. I need it. Heck, we all do. 

There are also other moments I am now creating. No more sabotaging friendships because of past hurt from expected lifetime friendships that ended without reason. I now make an effort to meet and make friends and actually go out to lunch with them and hang out (which for me is huge). I'm learning to create peace first. I learning to trust my passion and make what brings me joy and not just what brings me a dollar. I'm learning to take time out for me. 

I know I'm not where I want to be, and not to sound cliché, but I'm definitely not where I use to be. When I named my business Create It Wright, I didn't know how deep that would go for me. But I'm learning to create the moments, relationships, and emotions that I want in my life. So, while you see, Create It, and think silently, oh she's just posting for her business. I want you to understand that it goes so much deeper for me.

I hope to encourage someone who may be experiencing similarities, that if there is something that you want in your life, something in your life that is missing, find a way to CREATE IT! Find your peace and create those moments! ❣️




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